Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Las Papayas: Chapter 2

1. Abuelita calls Tio Luis a "vulture." How is Tio Luis like a vulture? Support your answer.

2. In your opinion, what animal would describe Esperanza's father's other brother, Tio Marcus?


Anonymous said...

1. I think he was calledvulture because he got the house when papa died, the mom did not get the house and when he got the house he was very greedy for it. Like when he was wereing papa belt buckle and also when he said to mama that if you dont want to live with me go somewere else. That is why she might go to america.

2. I would discribe him as a rhino because he is always in the middle of everything and always nosey in everyones conversation, it is like he as horn and trying to get something


Anonymous said...

2: The animal that would describe tio marcus the beast would be a Rhino because the animal is not that smart and has a brain the size of a pea i think, and also he looks sacary but he is really not that scary as tio luis

1:She called him a vulture because he took advatange of the situation since he knew her father had died he decided to try act like her father and didnt really care that he died because he was sitting in his chair and wearing his belt. He also showed no emotion that her father had died.

DM 10

Anonymous said...

1. Tio Luis is like a vulture because he is taking advantage of the situation because now that Papa is dead and he gave Tio Luis the land, Tio Luis is trying too get Mama to marry him because then he wil be a very powerful person because people respect her, and if she doesn't he will make life very hard for her.

2. Tio Marcus is like a sheep because he is stupid and takes orders from something else ( Tio Luis).


Anonymous said...

1}Tio Luis is like a vulture because all Tio Luis wants is to own his brother's {papa's} farm. It seems like he doesn't really care about the fact that his brother died. It only seems like he just wants to own the farm just to get money.

2} In my opinion i think that the animal Tio Marcus could be is a dog. I think that he could be a dog because on page 19 it says he always followed his oldder brothers lead. Dogs follow people a lot. For example if someone were to go upstairs the dog would be right there behind you.


Anonymous said...

1. He is like a vulture because he wanted to come in take the land and marry Eaperanza mama like it says on pg. 31. He also only wanted to marry mama because it would make the odds of him winning the election for governer high pg. 31.
2. I think Tio MArcus would be like an ant or a bee because there very clueless and only do things because there "leader" sort of tells them what to do they only no what to do for the leader and thats it.

Anonymous said...

1. Tio Luis is a “vulture” because he takes advantage of the situation. He took advantage of owning the land. He said that since Ramona wouldn’t marry him, he wouldn’t let her have the grapes that were assigned to her from Esperanza’s father. He might also not let Ramona get the money out of the bank since he's in charge of the bank.

2.I think that Tio Marco is like a sand piper. I think this because he’s quiet and maybe afraid of talking. Sand pipers don’t like the water. They’re afraid of getting wet. Maybe Tio Marco is afraid of just stupid which connects him right to the sand piper. Unlike his brother who is like a hawk, he is quieter and not as mysterious or clever.


Anonymous said...

2.) I would describe Tio Marcus most likely as a gorilla. I would call him that because he is smart like a gorilla. Or I would call him a dog. A dog because most dogs are greedy sometimes when they get a treat or a bone. They don’t want to share it with anyone so they keep it away from the other dogs.
em 13

Anonymous said...

1. Abuelita refers to Tio Luis as a vulture because vultures are scavengers and that is what Tio Luis is acting like in this situation. Papa is dead but there is a problem attached to that. he owns the ranch and all it's contents, but now that he is dead, adn the woman of the house is not allowed to take over, Tio Luis takes advantage of the situation and decides that he shall be the next authority and ruler of the money, ranch, and house, just like a vultures behavier.
2. I would relate Tio Marcus to a donkey, because they can be mean, just as the two brothers, but also stupid in situations.


Anonymous said...

1.) Tio Luis is like a "vulture" becasue the meaning of vulture is "a person of greedy nature" and since he owns Esperanza's land now,he is being greedy and saying to Mama, "Marry me and we'll share the land, or I will make you leave." He is a person who wants power and wealth.


2.) An animal that would describe Tio Marcus would be a sheep becasue he isn't very intellegent and basically is a follower of Tio Luis. A sheep isn't one of the brightest animals, and follow their herders around.


Anonymous said...

1. tio luis is like a volture becaue now that hes the power over the land he going to make the familys life miserable. Also he threated to make growing and harvesting hard for them.


2.i would think he is like a gorilla he is strong but needs to ask with a group or another person. To be more specific he is like the leader of the group hes the govener and he has to ask for help from his brother.


Anonymous said...


1.Tio Luis is a ‘vulture’ because vultures wait for some other animal to make the kill, then they come in and eat it. Tio Luis is exactly like that, he waits for his brother to die, and takes advantage of the death by threatening Esperanza's mother to be his wife or her life will be miserable. He wants Esperanza’s mother to be his wife, because he could win the election with her as a way to get people to vote for him. Also, he would be taking advantage of the land given to Tio Luis by Esperanza’s father, so he could make money from the grapes.


2. I think Tio Marcus is like a parrot, he listens to what ever Tio Luis says and repeats it, and he doesn’t talk that much, like a turtle: he pokes his head out every once and a while.

~CNG~7~April 24, 2007 4:18 PM

Anonymous said...

1. Tio Luis is a vulture because he takes advantage of something that he hasn't done. In other words he did not kill papa, yet he still was prepared to take advantage of the situation.

2.I think Tio Marcus is like a donkey because he does everything Tio Luis says. Tio Luis is like the herder, and Tio Marcos is like the donkey

Anonymous said...

2. I would say that Tio Marcus to turttle because he is very shy. He is powerless. Against The rabbit Tio Luis. So, I would say that he is a turttle

1.After her husband died Tio Luis ask mother to marry him. On page 31 it said " we could be a very powerful couple" Also, everyone on the barn repects her. So, if Tio Luis marry her when he is running for mayor the people will vote for him and he will win.


Anonymous said...

1.I think that when Abuelita calls tio Luis a vulture it means that he is taking advantage of her because papa died. He is like a vulture because a vulture eats the left over food an d Tio Luis taking advantage of the rest of the family.

Anonymous said...

1.) Tio Luis is a vulture because since he is now the owner of papa’s land, he can take over what is now mama and Esperanza's house and grapes because it is on his land. He didn’t plane for this to happen, he just swooped down when it did happen like a vulture would.
em 13

Anonymous said...

1)He is like a vulture because vultures go after thing after soething dies. That is what Tio Luis does, but instead of going after the dead thing he went after the deadthings dauter.

1) A gini pig because a gini pig is quit, come, and dumb just like Tio Marcus.


Anonymous said...

He is like vulture by the way he acts, for example if something bad happens to family like the death of Papa then he doesn't care about his brother's death, he cares about what he will get in the will. on page 31, right after Papa died he proposed to Esperanza's Mom. He wanted to marry her because the people in the town respect Esperanza's Mom, and if she marries Tio Luis during his campaign for governor and he will win easily.

I would call him a cow because he does what he is told to do, he doesn't think for himself. Cow's are put in a spot and they eat grass all day. So they don't really have to think about anything.

C.O. #16

Anonymous said...

1. He is a vulture because when her papa dies he just came in and took the belt buckle and came in and sat in the papa chair with his feet on the desk. He know that he has more power he can do what he wants. He picked up what the badits had left behind when they killed her papa.

2. His other brother is like dumb because he does not speek for himself. He lets the other brother speek for him. He has more power then his brother. They are alwesw toghter and he almost never speeks out loud.

I think the brother had something to do with the father dieing. he did that to get the land and to try to foce mama to marry him.


Anonymous said...

1. Tio Luis is like a vulture because when Papa died, he took advantage of that because he knew that since he owned the bank, he would get the land. With Papa gone and Tio Luis owning the land, Tio Luis can make Esperanza's mama marry him and even if she refuses, he can apply big pressure until she marries him. With her as his wife he will run for governor and since everyone loves Esperanza's mother, everyone will vote for him.
2. In my opinion, a dog describes Tio Marcus. I say this for even though he is the mayor, he is being bossed around by his brother Tio Luis. A dog does what his owner or master tells him to do. Like Tio Marcus with Tio Luis.

Anonymous said...

1. Tio Luis is like a vulture becasuse he is taking advantage of people. He is doing this by saying on page 32 he said " You will regret your decsicon, Ramona. I can make trhiings very diffuclt for you." So he is forcing her to marry him are her life will be very hard for her.


2. I would put him in as a fox. I do that because he has thought about if Ramona marrys him, and if he runs for govenor they will vote for him because of Ramona. Fox are smart and sly and I think that that is a character trait of Tio Luis.



Anonymous said...

1) He is a vulture because vultures take advantidge of a situation and that is what tio luis is doing. Taking advantidge of the death of the father. Like in the chapter he says that he can make things difficult for mama sense he owns the land if she doesn't marry him.
2) I would say tio marcus is like a bear powerful but not so bright like the vulture.(tio luis)


Anonymous said...

1. He is a vulture because as soon as he saw his chance with Esperanza's dad dying and he ends up getting the land. He then proposes a marriage to Esperanza's mother. When she says no, he swears that she will regret that answer and that he will make it very hard for he mother in Mexico. he probably wanted to be her wife because she is respected in that area. He would probably then run for governor. He waited for the "kill", then swooped down on his prey.

2. I think that Tio Marcus would be a lion if he were an animal. They are supposed to be the king of the jungle. Tio Marcus gets Tio Luis to do whatever he wans, and Tio Luis is the mayor. Lions are also predators, and Tio Marcus Preyed on Esperanza's family.

Anonymous said...

1) he is like a vulture because he takes advantage of everything else,like Mama when he asks her to marry him. Also the Grapes are an example of him being a vulture, because he said they where on his property and has the power to take them.

2) I think Tio Marcus is like a lamb because he follows Tio luis and doesnt speak for himself.

(o .o)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1. Tio Luis is like a vulture because when Papa died, he took advantage of that because he knew that since he owned the bank, he would get the land. With Papa gone and Tio Luis owning the land, Tio Luis can make Esperanza's mama marry him and even if she refuses, he can apply big pressure until she marries him. With her as his wife he will run for governor and since everyone loves Esperanza's mother, everyone will vote for him.
2. In my opinion, a dog describes Tio Marcus. I say this for even though he is the mayor, he is being bossed around by his brother Tio Luis. A dog does what his owner or master tells him to do. Like Tio Marcus with Tio Luis.

April 24, 2007 5:34 PM

JT #22 forgot name first time :(